Forestry Blog - Forest Management Category
- How To Pick The Right Forester
You have purchased the land and now its time to begin thinking about managing it. You have goals about creating habitat for wildlife, generating income from the timber and creating a system of trails for better access......
- Performing These Two Forestry Services Will Save You Time, Money and Potential Problems
So you just purchased your first parcel of land. Owning acreage large enough to recreate, hunt and relax, all in a private environment, is a wonderful position to be in. In the excitement of it all, its important to remember a few proactive steps that can be taken to insure that forestland ownership remains a fun filled, enjoyable experience for your entire time of ownership......
- The Importance of Access
When it comes to acquiring a parcel of forestland or managing the forest land you currently own, there are a lot of variables that determine how successful the process will be. The most common is the volume and value of the timber present, long term goals and state and local rules and regulations. Often overlooked however, is the issue of access.....
- Growing Sugar Maple
This past fall Stillwater Forestry LLC had the chance to attend a forest management workshop. It was hosted by the USFS at their Northeast Experimental Forest in Bartlett NH. This experimental forest is located in an area that is predominately comprised of northern hardwoods....
- A Selective Cut That Is Worse Than A Clear Cut
Every year, hundreds of landowners throughout New England are having their woodlots harvested this way. Many will believe that because lots of trees were left standing that its better than a clear-cut. ....
- Enhancing Wildlife Habitat For Lebanon Landowners
Spring is here and it’s a great time to get out and explore your woods. When you’re out exploring – doesn’t it feel great when you see a variety of wildlife? Whether its wild turkeys, songbirds or larger animals like deer...