Forest Management Plan / Boundary Line Project & Timber Harvest In Shelburne, NH
This forest management project will take place in three phases. Our client owns 265 acres and was looking to first have a forest management plan done, boundary lines reblazed and painted and lastly a timber harvest on the entire property. To make everything a bit more complicated the property had a conservation easement on it that was held by NHFG. The property also is host to one of the more popular hiking mountains in the region - Mt. Crag. Our first phase of the project involved the drafting of the forest management plan. This involved inventorying the property and drawing up a 10 year forest management plan. Next we reblazed and painted all of the lines on the property. This was the first time these lines were done in over 25nyears. The second phase of the project involved planning out and overseeing a timber harvest on half of the property. This was done during the winter of 2020-21. The last phase of the project will entail overseeing a harvest on the other half of the property during the winter of 2021-22. The timber harvest was implemented according to both the forest management plan and the clauses found within the conservation easement. The managment entailed a combination of patch cuts and thinnings. An emphasis was placed on retaining the best quality and highest value crop trees for future growth. A major emphasis within the conservation easement was on aesthetics as seen from roads and hiking trails. In light of this we did very light thinnings within 300 feet of the North Road. Along hiking trails we left harvest buffers of 150 feet. Although we stil have phase 3 of the project to do, everything to this point has gone exceptionally well. Our client is very pleased with the results.
Services Used in Project:
Forest Management Plan / Boundary Line Project & Timber Harvest Gallery